There is a strong perception that economic, environmental and social losses are related to forest fires and burn-offs, whether they are illegal or not. It is possible, for example, to cite those related to the declining forest coverage; to the loss of biodiversity; to the destruction of soil; to over-sedimentation of waterways; to the health of populations affected by the smoke and fallout produced; to the fall in the safety of aerial operations. Besides this, there is the aspect related to greenhouse gas emissions (GGE), which contribute to global warming and climate change.
The National Center to Prevent and Combat Forest fires (PREVFOGO) is the main federal structure in the country making efforts both to directly combat forest fires and unauthorized burn-offs, as well as to induce a change in the culture related to the use of fire in farming. Every year, PREVFOGO selects and hires temporary fire brigades with the aim, among other intentions, to establish a routine inspection to inhibit the use on unauthorized burn-offs and collect local information to help design operative plans to prevent and combat fires and unauthorized burn-offs.
An important part of PREVFOGO’S strategy refers to dialogue with other institutions involved in solving the problem, such as the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), the Chico Mendes Institute for Conserving Biodiversity (ICMBio), the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA), and the National Indigenous Foundation (FUNAI), among other state entities.
The project is aimed at physically and operationally structuring PREVFOGO and fostering environmental education to raise awareness and train locals to monitor, prevent and combat forest fires and unauthorized burn-offs in the Amazon Biome.
The project includes supplying infrastructure, such as equipment, tools and vehicles to help monitor and combat fires and unauthorized burn-offs. Also planned is the construction of a logistics and support center for the PREVFOGO in Brasília to foster information-sharing between several federal and state entities, with the purpose of designing strategies, targets and plans of action to combat fire in forest areas. The project will also enable PREVFOGO to reinforce efforts towards environmental education, aimed at informing rural producers and the general population about the correct use of fire.
The project is part of the "Monitoring and Control" (2) component of the Amazon Fund’s Logical Framework.
Click on the following image to view its objectives tree, that is, how the project's outputs and linked to the expected outcomes and impact.