Versão em Português

Valuable Forests - New business models for the Amazon

Institute of Agriculture and Forest Management and Certification (Imaflora)

Project official website
Total project value
R$ 17,369,442.36
Total support amount
US$ 5,411,041.23



To support: i) the consolidation and expansion of the system of certification of origin called " Brazil Origins", contributing to the strengthening of production chains and to the promotion of socio-biodiversity products in protected areas of the Brazilian Amazon; and ii) the sustainable production of cocoa on the vicinities of the Xingu region


Indigenous peoples, traditional communities and family farmers

Territorial scope

Pará and Mato Grosso (several municipalities)



The "Brazil Origins" is a system of certification of origin, created by Imaflora and the Socio-environmental Institute – ISA, fostering the promotion of sustainable social and environmental diversity of territories. This initiative aims to increase the profitability of extractive activities and the sustainable production of populations that live in the forest, in order to compete with economic activities which contribute to deforestation.

The system relies on traceability mechanisms that ensure that products that carry the label "Brazil Origins" had its origin in the territories of socio-environmental diversity, and that trade relations between companies and producers were balanced, transparent, grounded by the responsible use of natural resources and respect the diversity of traditional way of life.


The project provides for the consolidation and expansion of the system of certification of origin called "Brazil Origins", in order to strengthen the productive chains and enhance the socio-biodiversity products in the territory of the Xingu, “Calha Norte” region (north bank of Amazonas and Solimões rivers) and another territory to be defined within the project. The territories of the Xingu and of the “Calha Norte” region are the biggest clusters of protected areas of rainforest in the world, covering a total area of approximately 52 million hectares, where live about 23,800 people, among indigenous and traditional communities.

Furthermore, the project provides support for sustainable production of cocoa around the Xingu, benefiting 5000 family farmers, located in an area of 10 million hectares, and contributing to the conservation of the Xingu territory.


This project falls under the “Sustainable Production” (1) component of the logical framework of the Amazon Fund.

Click on the following image to view its objectives tree, that is, how the project's outputs and linked to the expected outcomes and impact.


Date of approval 01.18.2017
Date of the contract 03.23.2017
*Disbursement period 09.23.2022
*Prazo para recebimento de desembolsos


date amount
1º disbursements 05.16.2017 R$3,026,128.98
2º disbursements 12.27.2017 R$3,781,061.27
3º disbursements 11.28.2018 R$2,611,166.97
4º disbursements 07.22.2019 R$3,523,438.47
5º disbursements 08.28.2020 R$4,094,828.71
6º disbursements 09.22.2022 R$332,817.96
Total amount disbursed R$17,369,442.36

Total amount disbursed in relation to the Amazon Fund’s support



The project carried out internal structuring activities for extending Origens Brasil to the project’s fourth territory, Solimões. For the first time, all participants in the governance structure of the Origens Brasil network met at an event gathering 140 people, including members of traditional populations, indigenous peoples, support organizations and partner companies, establishing new connections and generating new businesses.

Through communication and awareness raising activities for new members, the Origens Brasil network continues to expand and currently involves more than 1,600 producers, 40 community and technical support organizations, 15 partner companies and over 40 products being commercialized from 24 protected areas (30 million ha) in three territories (Xingu, Calha Norte and Rio Negro), with the project’s platform transactions totaling about 5.3 million reais.

This strengthening and expansion of Origens Brasil in 2019 has earned national and international recognition and the project received the UN/FAO international innovation award and a social technology certification granted by the Banco do Brasil Foundation.

Regarding the strengthening of sustainable family cocoa production, the highlights are the expansion of the market for cocoa produced in the municipality of São Felix do Xingu, the renovation and operation of the Rural Family House in São Felix do Xingu and the establishment of the Sábias e Sábios Agricultores (i.e. wise farmers) network, which encourages entrepreneurship and the dissemination of good technological practices among the producers themselves.

Final Evaluation


In this area we offer some PDF files with the main publications generated by the project. Click the filename to start the download.