Project / responsible | Responsible | Project value | Support amount | Location | Status |
Extraction Commercialization Central Cooperative for the State of Acre (Cooperacre)
Third Sector | R$ 5,190,901.39 | US$ 2,086,977.24 | AC | concluido |
Water and Land Institute (IAT)
States | R$ 4,640,011.30 | US$ 347,665.51 | PR | concluido |
Native Amazon Operations (OPAN)
Third Sector | R$ 6,487,406.91 | US$ 2,511,633.32 | AM | concluido |
Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama)
Federal Government | R$ 56,295,964.63 | US$ 17,662,033.20 | AC, AP, AM, MA, MT, PA, RO, RR, TO | concluido |
Association of Small Agro-farmers in the Reca Project
Third Sector | R$ 7,126,393.21 | US$ 2,411,118.40 | AC, RO | concluido |
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