Here are the publications and videos produced by other institutions.
- Guide to Good Practice and lessons learned from the creation, operation and monitoring of financial funds for environmental performance. Case studies: The Amazon Fund and other environmental performance funds in Latin America
Publication coordinated by the technical cooperation between the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) and the German Cooperation for Sustainable Development through GIZ.
Click here to access the spanish version
- Gender equality in projects for sustainable productive activities supported by the Amazon Fund/ BNDES
This study was conducted by a team of independent consultants coordinated by the technical cooperation between the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) and the German Cooperation for Sustainable Development through GIZ. All opinions expressed herein are the sole responsibility of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the position of GIZ and BNDES. This document has not been submitted for editorial review.
As part of this study a film was produced highlighting the challenges of women in the countryside, the importance of these women for sustainable development and the achievements and advances in gender equality in rural areas.
Available at the link:
- Avoided Deforestation Linked to Environmental Registration of Properties in the Brazilian Amazon
Conservation Letters - Avoided Deforestation (REDD) and Indigenous Peoples
Instituto Socioambiental and Forest Trends