Versão em Português

Consolidating Territorial and Environmental Management in Indigenous Lands

Center for Indigenous Work (CTI)

Project official website
Total project value
R$ 11,858,546.84
Total support amount
US$ 3,664,795.98



To support the implementation of the Territorial and Environmental Management Plan (PGTA) at ITs Vale do Javari (AM), Krikati (MA) and Governador (MA); and the development of PGTAs at IT Andirá-Marau (PA and AM) and IT New Jacundá (PA), under the National Policy for Territorial and Environmental Management of Indigenous Land (PNGATI)


19,531 inhabitants of five indigenous lands covered by the project

Territorial scope

Five Indigenous Territories (TI) in the states of Amazonas, Maranhão and Pará, covering 9,375,076 hectares: TI Javari Valley (AM), IT Krikati (MA), TI Governor (MA), TI Andirá-Marau (PA and AM) and TI New Jacundá (PA)



The project aims to contribute to the National Policy for Territorial and Environmental Management of Indigenous Land (PNGATI), supporting the development and implementation of Territorial and Environmental Management Plans (PGTA) on indigenous lands.

The PGTA is an instrument which comprises the planning, agreed by all the indigenous community involved, of the use of its territory for cultural, environmental and economic purposes. Usually develops around three main themes - territorial protection, management and sustainable use of natural resources and training - but reflects the particularities of each context and local management strategies of indigenous territories.

The project submitted by CTI comprises PGTA of development activities in two ITs and implementation of PGTAs in three other involving a large territory (9,375,076 ha) and ethnically diverse public (19,531 indigenous individuals from seven ethnic groups), who inhabits three Brazilian Amazon states.


In ITs Javari Valley (AM), Krikati (MA) and Governador (MA), the project supports the implementation of three Territorial and Environmental Management Plans (PGTAs), including: i) territorial control and monitoring, training of indigenous environmental managers, monitoring expeditions and workshops for systematization of geo-referenced information in the database; ii) conservation and management of natural resources, with enhancement of crops for food security, rehabilitation and planting of traditional food and medicinal varieties, land reclamation, management turtles, studies of fish fauna, the production chain of fishery resources and of agroextractivist potential, technical assistance and rural extension; iii) reinforcing the transmission of traditional knowledge and technologies; iv) education for environmental management, with the consolidation of Timbira Center for Education and Research “Penxwyj Hempejxà”.

In ITs Andirá-Marau (PA and AM) and New Jacundá (PA), the project supports actions for the preparation of PGTAs such as agreeing on work plans, training of indigenous agents, expeditions to ethnomapping, collective building workshops and meetings for PGTA validation.

There are also included in the project actions to support governance and organizational and material structures of the eight indigenous associations of ITs Vale do Javari, Krikati and Governor.


This project falls under the “sustainable production” (1) and "land-use planning" (3) component of the logical framework of the Amazon Fund.

Click on the following image to view its objectives tree, that is, how the project's outputs and linked to the expected outcomes and impact.


Date of approval 09.28.2016
Date of the contract 02.24.2017
Date of conclusion 03.02.2023
*Disbursement period 10.31.2020
*Prazo para recebimento de desembolsos


date amount
1º disbursements 07.17.2017 R$2,648,446.92
2º disbursements 08.22.2018 R$518,809.25
3º disbursements 10.16.2018 R$3,724,371.27
4º disbursements 12.27.2019 R$4,892,912.56
5º disbursements 10.29.2020 R$150,000.00
6º disbursements 01.24.2023 -R$75,993.16
Total amount disbursed R$11,858,546.84

Total amount disbursed in relation to the Amazon Fund’s support



Two field visits were carried to provide the expert technical consultancy in the management and conservation of tracajás (Podocnemis unifilis) and turtles (Podocnemis expansa) that were part of the planned activities for implementing the PGTA of the Vale do Javari TI. Project experts met with Marubo communities on the Ituí River to promote a dialogue between the technical knowledge provided and the traditional knowledge and management practices of the Marubo people.

Other field activities carried out included mapping expeditions for updating ethnomaps, nine to the Vale do Javari TI and four to the Krikati and Governador TIs, as well as six expeditions to Andirá-Marau TI and one to Nova Jacundá TI to collect information on land use, occupation and territorial vulnerabilities.

Two workshops were also held on the systematization and qualification of territorial information, the first with the Krikati and Gavião Pykobjê peoples, and the second with the Guarani of Nova Jacundá.

Field expeditions to the Upper Jaquirana river’s region were carried out, together with the Mayuruna/Matsés people, to visit old capoeiras (old cultivation areas in the forest) of the Matsés people at the margins of the Lobo river Alto Jaquirana and surroundings so that young environmental agents could know these areas and community elders could verify the degree of natural regeneration and whether any changes occurred since their last visit.

Two field expeditions were also carried out to assist in the establishment of fishing agreements and a proposal for the management of fishing resources, in the region of the Middle Javari River and the Lower Curuçá River, with the Kanamari and Mayuruna/Matsés peoples.

The renovation of the headquarters of the Union of Indigenous Peoples of Vale do Javari (Univaja) was completed and two training meetings were held to share traditional knowledge at the Vale do Javari TI.

The implementation of the Timbira PGTA in the Krikati and Governador TIs advanced with the project’s continued support for food production to improve food security, through the strengthening of local family farmers. This second agricultural cycle involved the support for 114 family farms at Krikati TI and other 78 family farms at Governador TI, totaling 192 farms. The Krikati gardens totaled 234 rows planted, representing 70.91 hectares, while the Gavião Pykobjê gardens totaled 256 rows planted, representing 76.87 hectares. All 192 supported gardens, at both TIs, totaled 147.78 hectares planted in this second agricultural cycle.

Monthly visits to Krikati and Gavião villages have ensured a sustained enrichment of the communities’ gardens. An estimated area of ​​28.87 hectares, comprising 221 gardens in 8 Krikati villages, was enriched with the planting of 4,160 fruit trees. Another 182 gardens in 14 Gavião Pykobjê villages, totaling about ​​22.75 hectares, were also benefited with the planting of 2,550 banana plants.

Participatory mapping expeditions surveyed and qualified degraded areas to be recovered with native nontimber species in the Krikati and Governador TIs, which were then validated in meetings with chiefs and leaders. Seed collection and workshops on seedling production and nursery structuring and maintenance were also carried out – with the participation of Gavião and Krikati environmental agents and leaders – as preparations for planting expeditions to the forest areas to be recovered.

The training of indigenous environmental agents (AAI) was completed, a crosscutting action involving all project components. A total of seven training workshops on indigenous territorial and environmental management were held with the participation of Krikati, Gavião Pykobjê, Sateré Mawé, Matis, Matsés, Kulina Pano, Kanamari, Marubo and Guarani peoples. Another two training workshops were held with the aim of strengthening indigenous associations in the Vale do Javari region.

Final Evaluation


In this area we offer some PDF files with the main publications generated by the project. Click the filename to start the download.