Versão em Português

Everlasting Forest

Institute of People and the Environment of the Amazon (Imazon)

Project official website
Total project value
R$ 14,293,105.00
Total support amount
US$ 2,439,574.47



To support the environmental adequacy of rural properties in the Legal Amazon, through: (i) implementation of forest restoration techniques, in a territorial approach in eastern Pará; (ii) formation of multiplier agents; (iii) elaboration of flow to monitor the areas in restoration; and (iv) promotion of forestry landscape restoration activities


Farmers (small, medium and large sizes), managers and technicians of environmental agencies, technical assistance and rural extension, as well as other members of local society (such as environmental students and community leaders).

Territorial scope

East of the State of Pará - municipalities of Capitão Poço, Dom Eliseu, Paragominas and Ulianópolis



Among the nine states of the Legal Amazon, Pará contributed the most for the accumulated deforestation in the region (INPE / Prodes). In light of the Forest Code, Pará has a forest deficit estimated at 3.3 million hectares. Therefore, the promotion of environmental regularization in Pará, besides being a legal imperative, will contribute to the national restoration commitments, aiming at the restoration of at least 12 million hectares in Brazil by 2030.

In research on the subject of restoration, Imazon found that the advance of forest restoration will require overcoming some barriers, such as: (i) farmers' perception that it is an expensive, complex and bureaucratic process; (ii) lack of adequate technical assistance; (iii) lack of technical capacity to conduct forest restoration processes; (iv) difficulty in accessing financing for restoration; and (v) lack of leadership and governance on the theme of forest restoration in the Amazon.

Today, Pará has an information base and a set of partners for forest restoration. However, it is necessary to connect these components so that forest restoration becomes a reality. In the project, forest restoration actions will be implemented, providing a basis for overcoming the barriers and seeking to scale up the environmental regularization.

The area of direct action of the project (east of Pará) is part of the Amazon deforestation arc. The municipalities of Paragominas, Ulianópolis and Dom Eliseu were part of the Ministry of Environment’s list of municipalities with critical deforestation and managed to get out of it, controlling deforestation and advancing in the Rural Environmental Registry.


The "Forest Forever" project has the main objective of contributing to the advancement of the environmental adequacy of rural properties in the Legal Amazon. In order to achieve this objective, properties will be selected to be restored from the project support, in order to demonstrate the operationalization of restoration models adhering to the aptitudes of rural properties and their users, as well as to the Amazonian landscape

In addition, a forest restoration training program will be implemented, with the training of 100 multiplier agents, who can scale the forest restoration in Pará and region. In conjunction with the environmental and technical advisory bodies, the project will monitor the areas under restoration, combining remote monitoring technologies and field surveys. Opportunities for furthering forest restoration will also be identified, including cost-benefit analyzes, new financial arrangements and technical assistance that could make forest restoration more attractive.


This project falls under the "Sustainable Production" (1) and "Science, Innovation and Economic Instruments" (4) components of the logical framework of the Amazon Fund.

Click on the following image to view its objectives tree, that is, how the project's outputs and linked to the expected outcomes and impact.


Date of approval 12.11.2017
Date of the contract 03.15.2018
Disbursement period 60 months (from the date the contract was signed)


date amount
1º disbursements 05.28.2018 R$3,760,609.55
2º disbursements 03.16.2021 R$4,243,878.25
Total amount disbursed R$8,004,487.80

Total amount disbursed in relation to the Amazon Fund’s support



  1. Mapping and age classification by satellite image of the natural regeneration in the four municipalities of Pará that are beneficiaries of this project;
  2. Remote mapping of existing watercourse dams and preliminary analysis of the challenges to their regularization and to the reduction of rupture risks;
  3. Survey with the environmental agencies of environmentally licensed rural properties and their current status regarding environmental adequacy (adherence to the Environmental Regularization Program – PRA, existence or degree of implementation of Degraded and Altered Areas Recovery Plan – Prada etc.);
  4. Survey of existing nurseries in the benefited municipalities and their capacity to produce seedlings;
  5. Technical visits to rural properties with areas in active natural regeneration (isolation, removal of degradation agent) in Paragominas (PA); as well as to rural properties with areas under forest restoration induced by the “muvuca” technique (technique of mixing agricultural and forest seeds) in municipalities of Mato Grosso state;
  6. Round of visits and interviews with key actors and institutions to elaborate the basic assessment for the political-pedagogical project of the forest restoration training program entitled "Forming Forest Restoration"; and
  7. First meeting of the project monitoring committee.

Final Evaluation


In this area we offer some PDF files with the main publications generated by the project. Click the filename to start the download.