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Sustentável ..............................................................................130Portal Seeds – Phase II Sementes do Portal - Fase II .......................................................................................127Prevfogo Prevfogo


Ambiental por Satélites no Bioma Amazônia ...........................156 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING BY SATELLITE IN THE AMAZON BIOMEPrevfogo ...............................................................................................................157 PREVFOGOInventário Florestal Nacional – Amazônia


ACTIVITY REPORT 2019MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Since it was founded, BNDES has aimed to transform the lives of Brazilians, promoting sustainable development across the whole country for all its inhabitants. BNDES has always adapted its operations and instruments to meet the demands of soci


ACTIVITY REPORT 2020Message from the President The year 2020 will be forever marked by the Covid-19 pandemic. We all watched with heavy hearts the suffering caused by the disease in our country and worldwide. BNDES engaged in several fronts to combat the social, economic and health impacts


ACTIVITY REPORT 2020Message from the President The year 2020 will be forever marked by the Covid-19 pandemic. We all watched with heavy hearts the suffering caused by the disease in our country and worldwide. BNDES engaged in several fronts to combat the social, economic and health impact