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CAR Paraná

Water and Land Institute (IAT)

Project official website
Total project value
R$ 4,640,011.30
Total support amount
US$ 347,665.51



Support the implementation of the Rural Environmental Registry (known as CAR) in the state of Paraná


State of Paraná, through support for CAR validation. Traditional peoples and communities were also directly benefited by rural environmental registration actions

Territorial scope

State of Paraná



The state of Paraná, located in the southern region of the country, has an area of 199,000 km2, a population of 11.6 million people (2021) and the fourth highest GDP of the 27 units of the Brazilian federation¹.  

With the enactment of the current Forest Code (Law No. 12,651/2012), the rural environmental registry (CAR) was instituted as an electronic public registry of national scope, mandatory for all rural properties, with the purpose of integrating the environmental information of rural properties and possessions, composing a database for control, monitoring, environmental and economic planning and combating deforestation.

Brazilian legislation provides that, after the registration of rural properties in the CAR, the competent environmental agency will carry out the analysis and validation of these registrations, and, if pending issues or inconsistencies are detected in the declared information and documents presented, notify the applicant to provide additional information or promote the correction and adequacy of the information provided.

The Instituto Água e Terra (IAT), successor of the Instituto Ambiental do Paraná - IAP (Environmental Institute of Paraná), is a state agency linked to the State Secretariat for Sustainable Development and Tourism – Sedest of the state of Paraná, whose mission is to protect, preserve, conserve, control and recover the environmental heritage of Paraná.

The Amazon Fund's support for the project is in line with the provision in its regulations that up to 20% of its resources can be used in the development of systems for monitoring and controlling deforestation in other states outside the Brazilian Amazon and in other countries with tropical forests. 

¹ Source: IBGE


The project was part of the strategy of the state of CAR implementation, since it aimed to analyze  rural environmental registries in the state of Paraná and support the registration in the CAR of rural properties in territories of traditional peoples and communities. The project was structured in three components: (i) support for the analysis and validation of the CAR; (ii) promotion and support for the registration in the CAR of properties in territories of traditional peoples and communities; and (iii) infrastructure for the analysis and validation of the CAR.

The support to the first component comprised the contracting of services to support the analysis of registrations. The second component covered actions to register traditional peoples and communities and the third component aimed at improving the infrastructure of the IAT and the training of public agents.


The project is part of the “monitoring and control” component (2) of the Logical Framework of the Amazon Fund. Its direct effects were defined as follows: (2.1) “Instituto Água e Terra (IAT) structured and modernized for analysis, validation and management of the rural environmental registry (CAR)” and (2.2) “expanded access of rural producers in Paraná to the environmental regularization of their properties and territories for collective use”.

The strengthening of the state environmental agency of the state of Paraná (IAT) and the expanded access of rural producers to the environmental regularization of their properties and rural possessions contribute directly to the adequacy of anthropogenic activities to environmental legislation, which, in turn, contributes to the general objective of the Amazon Fund of “reducing deforestation with sustainable development in the Brazilian Amazon.”

Click on the following image to view its objectives tree, that is, how the project's outputs and linked to the expected outcomes and impact.



Date of approval 10.26.2016
Date of the contract 06.13.2017
Date of conclusion 07.29.2022
Disbursement period 24 months (from the date the contract was signed)


date amount
1º disbursements 09.18.2017 R$2,079,332.50
2º disbursements 11.16.2021 -R$925,981.08
3º disbursements 09.13.2022 -R$68,878.41
Total amount disbursed R$1,084,473.01

Total amount disbursed in relation to the Amazon Fund’s support


Activities performed 

The project was structured in three components: (i) support for the analysis and validation of the CAR; (ii) promotion and support for registration in the CAR; and (iii) infrastructure for the analysis and validation of the CAR.

Component 1 – Support for CAR analysis and validation

The project aimed to analyze and validate 67,788 rural environmental registrations in the State of Paraná. 11,088 analyses and validations were carried out within the scope of the project, through a management contract signed with the Paraná Environmental Technology and Monitoring System – SIMEPAR.

The subsequent stage, to analyze 56,700 records, should have been carried out by a service provider to be selected by public bidding, taking advantage of the methodology developed and tested by SIMEPAR and IAT in the previous stage.

Considering that there was no hiring of a company to carry out the prior analysis of registrations, in addition to the work already carried out by SIMEPAR, the expected value of CARs analyzed in this component was frustrated, resulting in the analysis of about 16% of the total originally foreseen.

Component 2 – Promotion and support for CAR registration

The objective in this component of the project was the registration of traditional peoples and communities that make collective use of their territory in areas considered priority for conservation in the state of Paraná.

Initially, a study was carried out to identify and locate these traditional peoples and communities, which consolidated the legal framework related to the rights of traditional peoples and communities in relation to CAR and detailed their location, estimated population, the number of families by segments and socioeconomic, land, territorial and domain aspects.

Finally, this study indicated the methodology to be followed in the registration process of the territories of traditional peoples and communities, respecting their family and collective uses. 

It is worth mentioning that traditional peoples and communities are defined as “culturally differentiated groups that recognize themselves as such, that have their own forms of social organization, that occupy and use territories and natural resources as a condition for their cultural, social, religious, ancestral and economic reproduction, using knowledge, innovations and practices generated and transmitted by tradition”, according to the National Policy for the Sustainable Development of Traditional Peoples and Communities[1].

Subsequently, companies were hired to perform the registration services at SICAR of the territories of traditional peoples and communities in the state of Paraná. 165 collective rural environmental registrations of traditional communities in SICAR were carried out and registered, with a total area of 191,147 hectares in properties and possessions and 372,712 hectares in a declared area of traditional territories of traditional peoples and communities, totaling 2,340 registered people.

Component 3 – CAR analysis and validation infrastructure

Technical manuals and methodological roadmap for CAR analysis were prepared and 45 IAT professionals were trained, including technicians and operational managers, for assisted implementation in the SICAR module and in federal and state forestry legislation.

In order to organize and systematize databases distributed in various agencies of the State of Paraná, aiming at their adaptation to the computational architecture and conceptual model of the platform of the State Environmental Management System of the IAT and SICAR, 15 thematic bases were compatible, among which: municipal limits, road network, river basins, altimetric map, land structure, conservation units and images of various satellites.

New thematic bases were also prepared to establish the use and coverage of land and in order to improve the identification of drains and springs and the use and coverage of land on properties. Slope maps were also prepared, which were not available at SICAR at the time, allowing the identification of permanent preservation areas with slopes greater than 45°, slopes between 25° and 45°, edges of trays and plateaus, hilltops and areas with altitude above 1,800 meters.

Among the thematic bases and maps prepared by the project, the preparation of a map of restrictions on use is mentioned; land use and coverage maps generated from the mosaic of Landsat 8 images; and land use and coverage map generated from the mosaic of ALOS images, adapted to the SICAR classes.

These thematic bases were made compatible with the official layers existing in the State and organized on a webgeo platform called GeoSICAR PR.

A new functionality was developed in SICAR, through the creation of the Geo Administrator profile, which allows the insertion of vector layers and reference geographical information in the analysis module, without the need to open demands with the SICAR administrator. Two additional performance profiles were also developed, which allowed the generation of management reports to identify the number of registrations analyzed by institution.

There was a forecast of acquisition by the project of furniture, vehicles and computer equipment, among others, for better operational structuring of the IAT. However, only one multimedia projector, the projection screen and its support, a laser pointer, HDMI cable and peripherals were purchased for this purpose. The integration between SICAR and the State Environmental Management System (SGA) had also been foreseen, but this activity was also not carried out.


[1] Decree 6,040 of February 7, 2017

Final Evaluation

Indicators of efficacy and effectiveness

The project activities contributed to the results related to the “monitoring and control” component (1) of the Amazon Fund Logical Framework.

The following are the results of some agreed indicators for monitoring the expected effects.

  • Number of trained public agents specified by gender (outcome indicator)
    Target: 42     | Result achieved: 45 (30 men and 15 women)
  • Area of rural properties occupied by traditional peoples and communities enrolled in the CAR (outcome indicator)
    Target: not defined    | Result achieved: 191,147 hectares
  • Number of rural properties with validated registration in the state of Paraná (outcome indicator)
    Target: 67,788    | Result achieved: 11,088

The result achieved from analysis and validation of CAR in the state of Paraná fell short of the expected value, being a consequence of a low physical and financial execution of the project. Nevertheless, most of the system developments originally foreseen in the project were implemented, the thematic bases were developed and made compatible, all training activities and registration services for traditional peoples and communities were carried out, in addition to the partial execution (about 16%) of the analyses of rural environmental registries.

Institutional and administrative aspects

For its implementation, the project benefited from some partnerships and service contracts. It is worth mentioning the hiring of the Foundation for Scientific and Cultural Development (FUNDECC) of the Federal University of Lavras – UFLA to prepare a technical manual, a methodological roadmap for analyzing the CAR and to provide training for IAT professionals.

The preparation and compatibility of the thematic databases and the analyses for validations of the CAR within the scope of the project were carried out through a management contract signed with the Paraná Environmental Technology and Monitoring System – SIMEPAR.

Although the project advanced in the CAR analyses carried out through a management contract with SIMEPAR, it ran into the bottleneck represented by the insufficiency of analysts in the environmental agency to finalize the analyses at SICAR. This insufficiency in terms of staff at the IAT also made it impossible to hire a company to carry out the prior analysis of registrations in addition to SIMEPAR's work.

Finally, the acquisition of all furniture, vehicles and computer equipment for the operational structuring of the IAT did not occur as a result of difficulties in the bidding process.

Risks and lessons learned 

The project has undergone a significant reduction in its scope and the amount of support from the Amazon Fund throughout its execution.  Various factors contributed to this, highlighting the insufficiency of analysts in the IAT.

From the initial stages of implementation of the project there was the prospect of holding a public bidding that would provide vacancies for professionals who would dedicate themselves to the implementation of the CAR. However, such a call for bidding was not carried out during the period of implementation of the project.

Sustainability of results

After the completion of the execution of the project, the IAT continued activities related to the implementation of the CAR, highlighting the implementation of the pilot project of the dynamized analysis (automated analysis) of registrations in the municipality of Terra Rica, from 2021, in the State of Paraná.

With the project there was an expansion of the possibility of access of traditional peoples and communities to rural credit, since by legal provision financial institutions only grant agricultural credit, in any of its modalities, to owners of rural properties that are registered in the CAR.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that the project, by supporting the preparation and compatibility of thematic bases, contributed to the consolidation of the State Environmental Management System of IAT and SICAR, facilitating future analysis of CAR and other actions of IAT.


In this area we offer some PDF files with the main publications generated by the project. Click the filename to start the download.