Versão em Português

CAR Acre

State of Acre

Project official website
Total project value
R$ 16,838,000.00
Total support amount
US$ 7,707,589.49



To provide support to implement the Rural Environmental Registration (CAR) and the adherence to the Environmental Regularization Program (PRA) in the state of Acre


Property owners engaged in family farming with four government-established modules located in the rural zones in all 22 municipalities in the state Acre, covering an area close to 9 million hectares

Territorial scope

22 municipalities in the state of Acre



 The new Forest Code (Act Nº. 12,651, of May 25, 2012) made it obligatory to adhere to the Rural Environmental Registration (CAR), an electronic registration that aims to integrate environmental information related to rural properties and bailments (temporarily-owned property). Besides the CAR, the Forest Code established the obligation for state and federal governments to implement Environmental Regularization Programs (PRAs), aimed at correcting environmental damage to rural property and bailments.

The economy in the state of Acre is partially based on the strong participation of timber and non-timber forest sectors. Due to the historic importance of the sector, the state’s environmental policy seeks to add value to forest assets, so as to increase participation ever more forest activities in the local economy.

To increase this participation in an orderly and sustainable fashion, the CAR and the PRA are important planning tools for rural properties and recovering degraded areas.


The aim of the project is to support implementing the CAR and adherence to PRA in the state of Acre. The project is structured into four components. The first refers to adjusting the state’s legal framework that covers such issues. The second aims to improve infrastructure and the capacity of environmental entities, as well as state technical assistance to implement and manage the CAR and the PRA. The third and fourth components focus on fostering and supporting enrollment on the CAR and supporting adherence to the PRA. Mobilizing and raising the awareness of rural producers to adhere to the CAR will take place via events and meetings in the municipalities and by distributing didactic and informative material.

The target audience of the project is mainly made up of the property owners and bailees (temporary land owners) working with family farming, with up to four government-established land modules located in the rural zones in all the 22 municipalities in the state of Acre, covering an area of close to 9 million hectares. Other beneficiaries of the project include the Acre state government and medium-sized and large rural property owners, through efforts to adjust the state norms and improve the infrastructure and the capacity of civil servants so as to implement the CAR.


The project is part of the "Monitoring and Control" (2) component of the Amazon Fund’s Logical Framework. 

Click on the following image to view its objectives tree, that is, how the project's outputs and linked to the expected outcomes and impact.



Date of approval 10.29.2013
Date of the contract 11.13.2013
Disbursement period 87 months (from the date the contract was signed)


date amount
1º disbursements 05.13.2014 R$5,580,583.30
2º disbursements 06.28.2016 R$5,617,416.70
3º disbursements 09.24.2018 R$564,000.00
4º disbursements 09.11.2020 R$1,803,855.16
5º disbursements 12.07.2020 R$3,272,144.84
Total amount disbursed R$16,838,000.00

Total amount disbursed in relation to the Amazon Fund’s support



The following activities were carried out within the scope of the project:

  • Development of the Offline Module for Compliance with the Environmental Regularization Program (PRA) and preparation of Projects for the Restoration of Degraded and/or Altered Areas (Prada);
  • Development of the PRA receiving tool;
  • Development of the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Management Module (Ater), a component of the PRA Module;
  • Development of the PRA Analysis Module;
  • Support for the follow-up maintenance of the State Rural Environmental Registry System (Sicar-AC);
  • Development of the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) Geographic Information System;
  • CAR’s regulatory framework was amended with the issuance of State Decree No. 9,025, dated June 4, 2018, complementing State Law No. 3,349, dated December 18, 2017, which instituted the Environmental Regularization Program for rural properties and possessions within the State of Acre (PRA-Acre), among other provisions;
  • Strengthening of PRA’s institutional infrastructure with the purchase of equipment and other inputs; and;
  • Promotion of unions’ and rural producers associations’ compliance with PRA.

Across the state, 58,302 CAR registrations were carried out, representing an additional 13.7 million hectares. Of this total, 56,229 are rural real estate registrations with up to four fiscal modules, among which 47,219 registrations received support from the CAR Acre Project, equivalent to about 5.6 million hectares of registered area, exceeding the goal initially foreseen for the project of 27,000 registrations and 1.2 million hectares.

In the context of promoting and supporting the adhesion of rural properties and possessions to the PRA, the environmental analysis of 11,273 rural properties registered in the CAR was carried out, covering a total analyzed area of 1,999,113.39 hectares, which will then be incorporated into the adhesion process to the PRA-Acre and execution of the respective Environmental Commitment Term – TCA.

113 servers were trained by the project.

Final Evaluation


In this area we offer some PDF files with the main publications generated by the project. Click the filename to start the download.