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Federal University of Pará (UFPA) and the Research Development and Support Foundation (Fadesp)

Project official website
Total project value
R$ 4,639,706.98
Total support amount
US$ 2,459,556.29
organization type
Science, innovation and economic instruments



To expand UFPA’s research infrastructure for biodiversity studies by: (i) building and structuring the Center for Advanced Studies on Biodiversity (Ceabio); and (ii) remodeling the Pharmaceutical Planning Laboratory and the Cellular and Molecular Neurochemistry Laboratory, as well as buying and installing lab equipment for research on biotechnology


UFPA, scientific community, potential suppliers and companies of the Amazon region that work with products coming from the biodiversity and their potential consumers

Territorial scope

State of Pará



Brazil is a country of continental dimensions, with geographic and climatic diversity. In addition to having the largest tropical forest coverage worldwide, it is home to an immense biological diversity, making it the main mega-biodiversity country of the planet, with between 15% and 20% of the 1.5 million species described on Earth. In particular, the Amazon region is considered the most biodiverse of the planet, although this biodiversity is only partially known.

The maintenance of biodiversity provides a number of benefits to society, such as the provision of environmental services as carbon fixation, maintenance of water sources, soil protection and fertilization, temperature and climate regulation, as well as bringing scientific, cultural and aesthetic values, among other universally recognized values – even if they are intangible and non-monetary.

In addition, preserving biodiversity is intrinsically linked to the supply of different sources of food, pharmaceuticals and chemicals, and information for developing biotechnology; besides, it works as the basis for agricultural crops and for improving and developing new agricultural varieties.

However, in spite of its wealth, some factors are responsible for limiting the use of the benefits of Amazonian biodiversity, such as insufficient knowledge about the subject and deforestation, which is responsible for its impoverishment. 


The Biodiversity project, coordinated by UFPA’s Biological Sciences Institute (ICB), aimed to strengthen the research infrastructure related to the biodiversity study, focusing on two components.

The first component refers to acquiring equipment and constructing a building called Center for Advanced Studies on Biodiversity (Ceabio), which expands the physical space available to the ICB and brings together UFPA’s research groups.

The building holds several laboratories and rooms used to develop works in several areas of research on the Amazon’s biodiversity, such as the planning and development of pharmaceuticals; isolation of peptides from Amazon seeds using biological activities of biomedical interest; and development of bio-herbicides by characterizing the activities of the substances produced by Amazonian plants.

The second component is related to remodeling the Pharmaceutical Planning and Development Laboratory and the Cellular and Molecular Neurochemical Laboratory, besides acquiring equipment used by UFPA’s biotechnology group, coordinated by the ICB, but which also receives researchers connected to the Institute of Exact and Natural Sciences.


The project is part of the “science, innovation and economic instruments" (4) component of the Amazon Fund’s Logical Framework, and the outcome expected is the production and dissemination of knowledge and technologies directed at the sustainable use of Amazonian biodiversity.

The project expanded UFPA’s research infrastructure related to the study of biodiversity by constructing the first Center for Advanced Studies on Biodiversity in the North region of the country (Ceabio) and the renovation of two laboratories, including the acquisition of equipment for research on biotechnology.  

Ceabio is expected to strengthen research infrastructure related to the biodiversity study, as well as providing marketing services in the fields of health, phytotherapy, cosmetics and dermocosmetics, as well as technological services for companies that need to expand their research and launch new products in the market.

It is also expected that, with the renovation of the Molecular and Cellular Neurochemistry Laboratory and the Pharmaceutical Planning and Development Laboratory, further research will be carried out on the properties of the plants of the North region, as well as several studies in the fields of biotechnology, fine chemistry, molecular dynamics, ecology and environment, and pharmacology, among others.



Date of approval 04.24.2012
Date of the contract 10.02.2012
Date of conclusion 03.31.2018
Disbursement period 67 months (from the date the contract was signed)


date amount
1º disbursements 01.08.2013 R$765,429.18
2º disbursements 02.17.2014 R$540,990.00
3º disbursements 09.04.2014 R$3,333,287.80
Total amount disbursed R$4,639,706.98

Total amount disbursed in relation to the Amazon Fund’s support



Center for Advanced Biodiversity Studies (Ceabio) was built at the Guamá Science and Technology Park (PCT Guamá), in Belém.

UFPA’s Molecular Neurochemical Laboratory (linked to ICB) and Pharmaceutical Planning and Development Laboratory (linked to the Institute of Exact and Natural Sciences – Icen) underwent renovation. In addition, there was the purchase of equipment to be used by the biotechnology group comprising Icen’s Pharmaceutical Planning and Development Laboratory (LPDF), Liquid Chromatography Laboratory (LabCroL) and Systematic Research and Fine Chemistry Laboratory (LISQF), and ICB’s Molecular and Cellular Neurochemistry Laboratory (LNMC) and Structural Biology Laboratory (LBE).

Among the equipment acquired, the following can be mentioned: a calcium wave measurement system; a fluorescence microscope with image capture system; a computer cluster for bioinformatics; a mass detector with coupled nitrogen generator; a solvent evaporation system, a rotating vacuum concentrator; computers, and a spectrophotometer.

Final Evaluation


Fadesp was the beneficiary of the project, and UFPA was its technical intervener. Fadesp, created in 1976 to support UFPA’s activities, operates in research, teaching, extension, institutional development and specialized technical services projects not only within UFPA’s scope, but also in several public and private institutions.

Created in 1957, UFPA is one of the most important research and teaching institutions in the North region. With 14 institutes, seven nuclei, 36 university libraries, two university hospitals and one application school, the university houses a community of more than 50,000 people. This project was coordinated by professors from the ICB, which brings together the faculties of Biomedicine, Biological Sciences, and Biotechnology, as well as postgraduate programs in the fields of genetics and molecular biology, neurosciences and biology of infectious and parasitic agents, zoology, animal science, aquatic ecology, and fishing and biotechnology.


The project activities contributed to the results related to the "science, innovation and economic instruments" (4) component of the Amazon Fund’s Logical Framework.

Outcome 4.1: Knowledge and technologies aimed at the sustainable use of Amazonian biodiversity produced and disseminated.

The main indicators agreed for monitoring this objective were:

  • Number of theses, articles, books and chapters in scientific books related to the research performed (effectiveness indicator)

Target: ten. Result achieved: 63

  • Number of researchers and technicians involved in RD&I activities in the laboratories supported by the project (efficacy indicator)

Target: nine. Result achieved: 31

  • Laboratory area constructed (efficacy indicator)

Target: not defined. Result achieved: 1.300 m2, including the equipment necessary to research performance

By providing an adequate infrastructure for the execution of research projects, the project achieved targets related to scientific publications and number of researchers and technicians involved in RD&I activities. Scientific papers were accepted in indexed journals, as well as dissertations and theses defended with results obtained from the use of the equipment that was acquired with financial contribution to the project.

The acceptance of scientific papers in high quality journals demands more sophisticated analytical requirements, which involves high technology equipment and high acquisition costs. These research projects encompass several areas within biotechnology, ranging from identifying and isolating compounds and substances from diverse sources of Amazonian biodiversity to biological tests of such compounds and substances in order to obtain products (new therapeutic drugs and/or cosmetics, for example).

Part of the project’s impact indicators refers to results that will be obtained ex post, from the moment Ceabio actually starts its activities. The researchers have been performing their activities as from the building inauguration, on February 21, 2018. Therefore, the indicators of the "number of patents applied for or deposited" and the "number of new products or technological processes developed" have not yet been measured and are expected to reach their respective targets in the next two years.


The project proved itself to be relevant to the feasibility of an adequate infrastructure at UFPA for biodiversity research. However, there were some delays in its execution, mainly in relation to the construction of Ceabio. There was a need to land and align the ground, since it was more unstable than expected.

In this context, a counterpart contribution from UFPA was necessary to complete the building, which demonstrated the institutional interest in the realization of the investment. In addition, UFPA has undertaken additional works, such as the cleaning and urbanization of the area, grating and alarm system installation, and connection to the Internet and to the electrical network. Thus, despite the slower-than-expected pace, the project results were satisfactorily achieved, due to the commitment of the actors involved in its execution.


The investments made by the project, together with the partnerships entered into and/or strengthened throughout the project between the participating laboratories and with national and international institutions, enabled the improvement of researchers’ activities, reflected on several publications on international journals.

Strengthening research infrastructure related to the study on biodiversity, by gathering UFPA’s research groups in the same physical space, will enable the performance of a larger volume of pieces of research in better biosecurity conditions. Moreover, it will provide the Amazon with an environment equipped and suitable for developing research to know and preserve the biodiversity of the region, based on the sustainable use of natural resources, giving economic value to the standing forest. Ceabio will be a reference to other groups settled in the Amazon, with the potential to generate a significant advance for the scientific production at UFPA.

The fact that Ceabio is part of a Science and Technology Park allows a greater interaction with technology-based companies and the provision of specialized services to society. With this interaction, it is expected that the knowledge of market demands may be broadened and that research can be developed in order to better meet these demands. Moreover, possibilities of providing services and entering into partnerships with the private sector increase the prospects for investment sustainability and the achievement of positive impacts by the project in the long term.



In this area we offer some PDF files with the main publications generated by the project. Click the filename to start the download.